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Broken Dreams: The Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, and To Kill a Mockingbird

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Following the thread of the American Dream eventually leads readers into the 20th Century, where new challenges faced the citizens of our country. The Roaring Twenties brought unparalleled prosperity to many only for their hopes to come crashing down. The Great Depression stalled the American Dream for some. For others the American Dream was stifled by continued prejudice and bigotry. The literature of the time reflects these struggles. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald perfectly captures the glittering excess of the 1920's. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck dramatizes the heartbreak of the Great Depression. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee uses poignant prose to show the struggle for equality through the eyes of a young girl. These three classics are among the greats for their stirring words and the eras they encapsulate. 

THE GREAT GATSBY READING QUIZZES (SALE ITEM) If you read F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel (and you should), these 10-question reading quizzes will make it simple for you to hold your students accountable. Answer keys for all the quizzes are included.

THE GREAT GATSBY END-OF-NOVEL DISCUSSION QUESTIONS These questions will help your students analyze the characters, events, and themes of The Great Gatsby. 

OF MICE AND MEN ESSAY QUESTIONS (SALE ITEM) These questions will help your students analyze the characters, events, and themes of Of Mice and Men. 

OF MICE AND MEN VIEWING GUIDE (SALE ITEM)  The 1992 adaptation of John Steinbeck's classic novel comes as close as film can to capturing the novel's heart. This viewing guide asks students to consider the deeper themes of the story as they view. An answer key is also included.

SCOTTSBORO:  AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY WORKSHEET This worksheet asks students to respond to the documentary Scottsboro: An American Tragedy, which I highly recommend. Produced by PBS, the documentary tells the harrowing story of a group of black men accused of raping a white woman. The subsequent trials partially inspired To Kill a Mockingbird. Warning:  Contains some graphic descriptions of rape. To purchase the documentary or read more about it on, click here.

TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD READING QUIZZES (SALE ITEM)  These 10-question reading quizzes will make it simple for you to hold your students accountable. Answer keys for all the quizzes are included.

THE GREAT AMERICAN STORY DEBATE  After reading a survey of American Literature, students debate which story best encapsulates the American Dream. Criteria for group arguments are included.